Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meal Plan to Medicine Plans

After I posted my ever so ambitious Meal Planning Monday post, my babies got sick! and I mean SICK. On Sunday I took Gavin to Vancouver Clinic in Salmon Creek's Urgent Care. IT WAS AWFUL! I couldn't keep his fever down, he was coughing like crazy and he was starting to get eye guk. After informing the doctor of my concerns he looked at Gavin's ears and said, "Well, he has an ear infection" He also said no to pink eye and didn't even listen to his lungs. I was happy at least to get antibiotics. The next morning he was even worse. When he coughed, he could hardly breathe. We took him in to his regular pediatrician and left the doctors office with double ear infections, double pink eye, brochialitus, and pneumonia!!! REALLY???? Gavin was on Augmentin for 10 days and Albuteral breathing treatments 3-4 times a day. I am still so mad at that darn doctor. Gavin is fine now, thank GOD. It was so scary. I'm praying that not every cold turns into a breathing problem mess.

Back to my meals :)

I ended up making:
Chicken Pot Pie soup- AMAZING!
Slow Cooker Barbacoa Pork-INCREDIBLE!
Crock Pot Chicken taco Chili-FANTASTIC!

Tim couldnt get enough of everything. I also had enough of each portion she suggests for dinner for us, leftovers for lunch, and a couple to freeze also! I love!!!! Thank you Gina!



Wahhhhoooo! I got my new wheels today and Tim got me all set up. Yes, I mean ROLLERBLADES! I loooove skating so much and as I told Tim today, I am going to be skating til I can't skate any more. After I took the new wheels out for a spin (hehe) I realized how rusty I was. I resigned to blaming it on my new wheels. I work close to Delta Park so hopefully the rain will stay away and I can go for a spin on my lunch :) Oh, and in case you are wondering i am rocking some old school Lightening TRS's. Yes, I am very proud!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

mmmm Meal Monday...on Sunday

I'm in the middle of my 3rd week of Weight Watchers and found this amazing blog:
It is so incredible! I have planned out our meals for the entire week. Now let's see how many actually get made. I got all but one of them from Gina's blog above. Here it goes:
Monday: Asian Glazed Drumsticks
Tuesday: Cilantro Lime Shrimp
Wednesday: Chicken Francese
Thursday: Ma Belloni's Tilapia
Friday: Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili
Saturday: Cilantro Chicken Salad (lunch) Slow Cooker Barbacoa Pork
Sunday: Family dinner out

How exciting! Maybe trying 6 NEW recipes in one week is sounding a little ambitious, but I am on a quest to:



Grey's Addiction

So, thanks to my good friend and coworker, Kari, I am now officially obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. I just started watching the show from Season 1, Episode 1 on I can't get enough! I stayed up until 2am the last two nights just watching the show! HELP! I think the best part is that there are 7 seasons of shows for me to catch up on. Kind of like starting a new series of books. And for those of you who are aware, I am a Historical Romance nut. I LOVE starting a new series of books because I get SO into the characters. So to Kari, thank you for getting me hooked and to everyone else who watches the show and never once told me how AWESOME the show is, SHAME ON YOU!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Long Time, Long Time

It's been awhile! Yes, I know, I pretty much skipped a good year :) When I begin to think about how I am going to try and catch up, I get overwhelmed, so I have decided to start anew today!

I'm still learning the ins and outs of blogspot so bear with me.

I'm getting my baby fix right now with The Belloni's and their amazingly adorable baby boy, Phelan. He is soooo much fun to hold and cuddle and just look at. He just looks like a little person. I mean, I know he is a person...who is little...but he just doesn't look like a baby! Anjanette is doing such an awesome job at nursing too, I am a very proud friend :)

Being in the maternity wing brings back incredible memories. You know the old cliche, "It seems like yesterday" Thats because it does.

It is a reminder of how incredibly blessed I am for two amazing healthy boys. Thank you GOD!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mommy's Here

I heard Graham crying this morning at around 4am. (Those who know Graham, this is pretty unusual) I checked the monitor and he was doing his usual stand-n-sway back and forth holding onto the crib rails. It was sort of a scared cry. When I enter the room he had his arms stretched out like, "rescue me mama." And I did. I grabbed him and started to rock him. He was immediately soothed. I held him and he held me. I rubbed his back. He was at complete peace. It was then that I realized how incredible it was that I had the ability to make everything ok for this child. Me, just me. I could take all his worries away. Just by holding him and being me. I realize I need to cherish these moments while they are here. Being a parent is so incredible. As Graham grows I will always be there for him, but I will not always be enough. So, for now, "Mommy's here" will suffice.

Welcome Friends and Family!

Well, I have been meaning to start this for quite some time. I will admit it is for selfish reasons because I think of things all the time that I would like to post and have no where (but my journals, of course) to post them. The status line on my facebook page is just not adequate. So here I am. And I will be speaking for "we" a lot and in "we" I usually mean Tim, Graham, Bubba (formally named Oliver the dog), and soon our little Gavin.

I am hoping this works as a new form of communication for those we care about and those who care about us. I should probably mention that I am making no promises as to how often I can post and I will try super hard to keep up with this. I am hoping it will inspire me to take more pictures also :) Life seems to be going by so fast and I want to use this a reminder of all the wonderful things that happen in our every day lives. Another un-promise (ha!) or disclaimer I guess, is that I am not a writer! I want this to be an outlet for me rather than a task and I want it to be especially positive. I welcome comments from all!!!

I am sooooo excited for this new adventure!

So, here we go!